ModifyGlobal Shape ModelingAdvanced

The Advanced GSM command — also known as Global Shape Modeling (GSM) — enables you to modify the shape of entire objects composed of solids, surfaces, curves, points and meshes (see also "Display information about a selected Mesh" for further details on mesh entities).

In case a situation of incompatibility is detected while selecting a curve chain (both in the case of initial and of target curves), an appropriate warning is displayed.

To the selected set of entities to be modified you can apply (see details on the user interface in "The Advanced GSM Command User Interface"):

Conditions cover position, tangency and curvature continuity, and also linear and planar properties. They can be defined along curves (contours), or on points (which can also be read on ASCII files: for details see "Reading point constraints from an ASCII file"). A specific option is provided for the situations in which you may need to modify a solid while keeping the projection onto a certain plane unchanged.

While a preview on demand is provided for general matchings, position matching on points can also be defined in an interactive way.

A set of options is provided to manage the shape of the controlled modification, defining parameters like stiffness, roundness and bulging. Another set of options is provided to manage the precision of the resulting entities.

Mirroring constraints
You can use the Symmetry option (under More Options) to mirror constraints about up to three reference planes ( Reference Plane) to be selected. This is a very useful opportunity, as if the model you are using is symmetric, you are enabled to apply constraints only to one half of the model and then, taking advantage of the existing symmetry, automatically apply them to the mirrored half.

To retain links to the component surfaces, so that if you modify a component surface the solid will be modified accordingly, select the Associative Mode check box in the command selection list.

Restoring selections after an interruption
If you interrupt the Advanced GSM command, your selections and settings are not lost: they are "frozen" in order to enable you to use them again without having to repeat them all, which might take a long time, at least in complex situations.
Next time you start the Advanced GSM command, in fact, the Restore Selection button ( ) will be displayed on top of the selection list. If you select the Restore Selection button ( ), all the selections you made and the settings you defined last time you used the command will be restored, enabling you to go on with no need to repeat those selections/settings.
When the command is started with some pre-selected entities, if you click the Restore Selection button you will be asked to confirm restoring the frozen command selections, thus resetting the current selection.
For further details see "Restore Selection modality for selections and settings".

A set of Quality Checks commands is also available.

See The Advanced GSM Command User Interface for an overview on the command interface. See also Understanding GSM and GSM Tips for further details.

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Take a look at the video list  e-Learning on Global Modeling