Applying a controlled modification to a symmetric model

In the following step-by-step example you will use the Symmetry option of the Advanced GSM command to modify the shape of a solid with a symmetry plane by applying constraints to just one half of it and mirroring them to the other half using the Symmetry option.

1 Load file "GLM_Symmetry.e3"

(Courtesy of STS — — Gruppo Vercarmodel Via I° Maggio 2/4 10043 Orbassano (TO) - ITALY)

Start the Advanced GSM command and select the solid.

2 Under More Options, select the Copy check box.

3 Under Matching, select Curves in the Matching drop-down list.

4 Under Group 1, click on Initial Curves and select the edge of the fender on the right, as in the following illustration:

Then click on Target Curves and select the blue curves:

5 In order to apply the same controlled modification also to the fender on the right, select the Symmetry box under More Options. In the Reference Plane drop-down list select Datum plane and click on the yellow plane.

Defining the symmetry plane
The Reference Plane drop-down list enables you to choose the selection method for the symmetry plane:
On Face A face of a solid to be selected (Face).
3 points The plane univocally identified by three points to be specified (3 points).
Datum plane An existing datum plane to be selected (Plane).
Through axis & point A plane through an axis to be selected (Axis, see " How to define an axis or a line") and a point ( Point), both to be specified.
Perpendicular to axis & through point A plane orthogonal to an axis (Axis, see " How to define an axis or a line") and through a point ( Point), both to be specified.
Coefficients A plane defined through the coefficient values of its cartesian equation (Ax+By+Cz+D=0), to be specified in the respective mini-dialog boxes (Coeff. A, Coeff. B, Coeff. C, Coeff. D), and through a point to indicate ( Point).

6 Click the Preview button ( ) to display a preview of the result: the modification has been applied also to the fender on the right.

7 Click or to confirm your selections modify the shape of the object.

Click to discard your changes.