Applying a controlled modification to a simple solid

In this job you will apply a controlled modification to the shape of a solid so that it will be joined to a surface, setting continuity conditions along the borders.

Applying the Advanced GSM command to solids
  • When the Associative Mode check box is not selected, you can modify only static solids. If you select the Copy check box under More Options, a static copy of the original solid will be created and the changes will be applied to the copy.
  • When the Associative Mode box is selected, any type of solid can be modified.

To accomplish the task in this exercise, open file "GSM-SOLID.e3".

You will join the top-left edge of the green solid to the right-bottom border of the surface. After starting the Advanced GSM command, proceed as follows.

1 Deselect the Associative Mode and Copy (under More Options) check boxes. Then select the solid as in the following illustration:

The Show warnings button ( ) shows up on top of the selection list.

2 Click the Show warnings button ( ). The following is displayed:

3 Select the Associative Mode check box, and the warning will disappear.

To make a copy of the solid and apply the changes to the copy rather than to the original, select Copy under More Options.

4 Under Matching, select Curves in the Matching drop-down list

5 Under Group 1, click on Initial Curves and then select the edge of the solid as in the following illustration:

Then click on Target Curves and select the border of the surface:

The following is displayed:

6 Click or to confirm your selections and modify the solid.

Click to discard your changes.

If you now modify the original solid (change the fillet radius), you will see the copy will automatically change accordingly: