Reading point constraints from an ASCII file

When using the Advanced GSM command, you can use points as constraints in all the available condition types: Preserving, Matching and Passing Through.

Point constraints can be applied by reading the point coordinates from an ASCII File. The ASCII File item is available in the drop-down list enabling you to choose the point type (along with Standalone, Points on surface, Points on curve).

When you select it, a Browse button is displayed, so as to enable you to choose the file containing the point coordinates (referred to the World reference system). An ordinary file selection box will be displayed, on which you can browse the file system and select the ASCII file containing the point coordinates to be used.
The default file extension is ".pt", but you can specify any extension, provided the file format is compliant with the following rules:

For example:

125.000 100.340 110.000
132.000 100.340 115.000
138.000 110.250 118.000

The Units of measurement to be applied to the point coordinates in the file can also be selected.
In case of associativity, the points read in an ASCII file are considered as standalone points. No associativity is provided for the file name itself.