ModifySurfaceControl Points

The Surface through Control Points command provides an environment within which you can modify surfaces by governing their control points.

In the Mode drop-down list you can select the type of action to perform.

Edit control points Enables you to modify existing surfaces by handling their control points. There are a number of actions which can be easily performed on selected surfaces.
Add control points Enables you to add control points to existing surfaces, thus making the surfaces more flexible.

You need to select the surfaces to be modified for the Surfaces selector.

Internal Undo/Redo
Every time you move a control point, it is considered as an achieved position of the curve. An internal Undo button ( ) is available on top of the selection list to undo the change (up to 10 times).
As soon as you click the Undo button, your changes will be undone and the Redo button ( ) will show up on top of the selection list. If you click it, your former changes will be applied again.
Virtual mirroring in previews
When the virtual mirroring mode is enabled (Enable check box selected in the View- Advanced category of the Document Properties), the preview of the resulting curves/surfaces will be displayed as mirrored. The control points will not be mirrored, because only the true objects can be modified and/or constrained.

It is not possible to deselect a single surface; within the editor the active objects are displayed as previews and thus not selectable. This is why you can only reset the entire selection and not the single “elements”.

If the selected surface is not a NURBS, and the Ask before converting check box is selected, then you will be asked to convert it into a NURBS before applying the command. The conversion precision is controlled by the Tolerance: parameter.

A set of Quality checks is also available, enabling you to study the shape of the resulting surface.

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