Creating a Thru All CounterBored Hole

A counterbore hole is a stepped hole and has two diameters, a bigger diameter and a smaller diameter. The bigger diameter is called the counterbore diameter and the smaller diameter is called the hole diameter. This hole type requires you to specify two depths, counterbore depth and the hole depth. The counterbore depth is the depth up to which the bigger diameter will be defined. The hole depth is the total depth of the hole, including the counterbore depth.

The couterbored hole created on a rectangular block of size 100*50*50 in wireframe view is show in the image below.

Proceed as follows to create the hole:

  1. Start the Hole command and ensure the For screw check box is cleared and the Point option is selected in the Type drop-down list.

  2. Next, select the CounterBored option from the Hole type: drop-down list and the Thru all option from the Extension drop-down list, if it is not already selected.

  3. Now, click on the face on which the hole is to be placed. The three mini-dialog boxes will get displayed.

  4. Enter 25(hole diameter) and 55(counterbored diameter) in the Diameter and Head diameter mini-dialog boxes, respectively. Also, enter 20 in the Head depth (counterbore depth) mini-dialog box.

  5. Click or to confirm your selections and create the counterbored hole. Click to discard your changes.
If the model is component you need to select the X-Components check box and the component for the Components selector from the selection list to create a hole. To reselect the components, right-click on Components to select Reset and then select the involved components.

You cannot add fillets or chamfers while creating a hole through components.

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