
The Connect Curve command creates a connecting curve between end points of two entities that can be curves, edges or surface boundaries.

On starting the command, you need to select the First endpoint and the Second endpoint to connect.

Three different modes can be selected in the Edit Mode drop-down list:

By default, the selected points to be connected are the ones used for selection, though they can be changed interactively by dragging a handle. In the automatic mode the location of end points can be defined by specifying parameter values. Snap commands can also be used for the selection of the blending curve end points.

Connecting curves are NURBS whose degree and number of arcs depend on the selected option in the Default drop-down list (under More Options).

The Associative Mode check box enables you to create curves which retain a link to the original entities it is derived from.

By using the Curve Curvature command, you can interactively check the curve shape by displaying the curvature plot of the resulting curve and the reference curves, thus, enabling you to control the scale and the density of the plot.

Finally, if you expand the Vectors node, you will access items enabling you to define the direction of the tangent at the end point of the curve.

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