Tools Info Analysis Automatic

The Analysis command provides access to a set of functions used to analyze curves, surfaces, meshes and solids. First select the entities (Entities) you want to analyze, then select the type of analysis to perform in the Type drop-down list.

Entity Size Displays the size of one or more entities
Curve Length Displays the length of a curve.
Surface Area Displays the area of a surface or mesh.  
Volume Displays the partial or total volume and the corresponding weight of the space enclosed by one or more surfaces, meshes and/or solids.  
Center of Mass Displays the coordinates of the center of mass or the center of volume of a set of solids, meshes and/or surfaces.  
Inertia Properties Displays the inertia properties of a set of solids, meshes and/or surfaces.  
Normals Displays the normals to one or more curves/surfaces/meshes/solid faces.
Solid Orientation Enables you to check the normals to the faces of a solid.  
Check Manifold Enables you to determine whether a selected object is manifold or not (i.e.: it encloses a single full space, or has appended surfaces or not).  
Inflection Points Displays arrows indicating the inflections in a selected curve.
Curve Curvature Diagram Creates the graph of the curvature of a curve as a function of the u parameter.
Local Analyzes curves, surfaces, meshes or other entities to display their local information at the selected point.
Plane Sections Enables you to easily draw section lines on a set of solids, meshes and/or surfaces.  
Plane Curvature Enables you to easily draw a dynamic plot of the curvature or of the radius of curvature, in which you can change both the scale and the density.  
Highlights Enables you to temporarily draw shadow lines on surfaces, so as to obtain a simplified representation of the surface enabling you to better appreciate its shape and perform a quality estimation of it.  
Isophotes Enables you to temporarily draw isophotes or zebra lines on a surface in order to get a simplified representation of it and estimate its shape.  
Draft Analysis Enables you to perform a draft analysis. The surfaces will be shaded according to the values of the angle you want to analyze.  
Curvature Map Enables you to analyze the curvature of a surface in several ways.  
Curvature Signs Enables you to shade the objects so as to analyze the locations where the curvature changes its sign; that is concave and or convex.  
GSM Distance Enables you to shade the objects so as to analyze the distances of homologous points in the controlled modification.  
Section Analysis Analyzes the properties of existing sections or sections derived from surfaces in the 3D model.