Tools Info
Center of Mass
The Center of Mass command under Analysis calculates the coordinates of the center of mass or the center of volume of a set of solids, surfaces and/or meshes and indicates their position in the model.
Once you have selected the entities the command must be applied to, the coordinates of the center of mass are immediately displayed, while a cross marker is displayed in the corresponding position (in order to see it, you might have to change the display mode to wireframe).
The Density check box enables you to take into account the density in the computation of the center of mass, which can be very useful when computing the center of mass of a set of different solids with different density values.
Note The difference in the positioning of the point for the center of mass can easily be noted if the entities involved are of different densities. Obviously, with different densities, the mass properties are different. You can assign different densities to different colors as described in "Colors and Materials". |
To retain the point entity even after exiting from the command, select the Insert Geometric Data check box: