

The Helix Surface command enables you to create helical surfaces by sweeping existing curves (open or closed) along a helical path (see "Circular Helix" for details on this definition), providing you with different construction modes.
In fact you can specify the pitch and the height, the pitch and the number of revolutions or the height and the number of revolutions.
The radius and the pitch of the helix surface can be made variable according to a linear or quadratic law, while a start and an end angle with respect to the initial position of the base curves can also be specified.

Associativity is also available (see "Associative Surfaces (Skins)" for details). When it is enabled, while you can select one single curve chain, the result will be just one skin solid with as many faces as the number of complete turns of the helix. In non-associative mode, on the contrary, you will obtain as many NURBS surfaces as the number of turns, though there is curvature continuity along each common boundary.
End caps can be created so as to close the helix, thus obtaining a closed solid in case the associativity mode is enabled.
Finally, you can create the axis of the helix as a datum axis entity.

After starting the command, you can proceed as follows:

Note that all the mini-dialog boxes displayed on checking the following boxes can be displayed/hidden by expanding/collapsing the corresponding nodes.

Finally, if you are creating a skin, you can also create a datum axis entity on the axis of the helix. In fact, the Axis check box enables you to choose whether to create a datum axis corresponding to the axis of the helix or not. This option is available only in associative mode ( Associative Mode box checked).

Associative Mode and driving dimensions
Please note that in case you create a skin (by checking the Associative Mode box), a driving dimension will be associated to each of the values you used to define the helicoid solid, which is then completely parametric.
  • Height
  • Pitch, and End Pitch if a variation law has been selected.
  • Revolution
  • End Radius, if a variation law has been selected.
  • Start Angle and End Angle if you chose to activate the end angles.
You can display the mentioned driving dimensions by using the Show Driving Dimensions command.

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