Bend Table Format

The bend table data is saved in the XML format in the SMBendTable.xml file. The contents of this file are only in English. This file consists of multiple pairs of Header and Table sections. Each material will have its own:

1 - HEADER section
2 - TABLE section

For the clarity in visualization the figures in this illustration shows the Bend Table file content if viewed in Internet Explorer. However, a text editor software is required to edit the file.

Header section

The following data is specified in the Header section:  

Bend Table type
  • Directive:
  • Supported values:
    BendAllowance, Kfactor, BendDeduction, KCoeff
The Bend Table can be one of the seven supported types; see Bend Table types. The value of this directive depends on the type of *.bt file being imported. However, BendAllowance is the default value.

Syntax examples:
Table units

  • Directive:
  • Supported values:
    inches, mm
Table units can be specified in mm or inches. The default unit is 'mm'.

Syntax examples:
Bend Angle type

  • Directive:
  • Supported values:
    Inside, Outside
Two different angle types can be specified (see Bend Angle in Bend Table Parameters). The default is 'Outside'.

Syntax examples:

  • Directive:
  • Supported values:
    ON, OFF
If the specified Bend Angle/Radius/Thickness values are not listed in the Bend Table, when 'Interpolation' is set to 'ON' (default) an interpolation is performed.

In such a situation if 'Interpolation' is set to 'OFF', an error message is displayed.

Syntax examples:

  • Directive:
    Material Name
  • Supported values:
    Any user-defined value
It is the name of the material for which the bend table data is compiled. It can be any user-defined name.

Syntax examples:
Interpolation reference

  • Directive:
  • Supported values:
    Angle, Thickness or Radius
The interpolation is done by taking the reference of the 'FixedValue'. The default is 'Thickness'.

Syntax examples:
Import file path

  • Directive:
  • Supported values:
    The relative path of the imported *.bt file
The file path of the imported *.bt is dispayed.

Syntax examples:

Table section

The Table section constitutes of the lines containing the BendData values. The bend data are Thickness, Angle, and Radius.

Notes on table values
  • The "-" character is the same as 0.
  • K factor can be 0
  • K Coefficient can be 0
  • Bend Allowance cannot be 0. A warning is displayed if a 0 bend allowance value is detected.
  • Bend Deduction can be 0.

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