Depending on the material being used, you can create and use a Bend Table enabling you to define the developed length as a function of the bend angle, thickness and internal radius.
The bend table for a specific material can be selected in the Material box of the Bend page inside Sheet Metal category of the Entity Properties, if you have selected Bend table under Allowance.
You can also specify the material by unlocking the Allowance item in the Local Properties of the Flange, Extruded Flange, Solid Flange, Bend, Sketched Bend, and Step Bend commands, and selecting Bend table under the Type option (see also Local Properties and the Lock Marker).
The bend tables are managed by the Bend Table Manager. It can be used to create new bend tables and edit the existing ones.
It is also possible to create Sheet Metal features by directly using data from the Bend Table.
To acquire more understanding in using bend tables, please read the following documents: