Local Properties and the Lock Marker

The Local Properties item in the selection list of most of the Sheet Metal commands enables you to locally change Sheet Metal parameters whose general and current values are defined in the Sheet Metal category of the Entity Properties.

When you select the Local Properties item and the list of Sheet Metal properties related to the current command expands, you will see each Sheet Metal parameter has an adjacent "lock" icon (except Solid Flange command) and can be read but not modified, as shown in the following illustration:

To change the parameters, you will have to click the lock icon. This action turns the lock icon to an "unlocked" status:

From now on you are enabled to change the local value of the Sheet Metal parameters. Once you have changed a parameter locally, the changed parameter will apply only to the involved feature.

In addition, please note that once you have unlocked a local setting for a parameter, when you change the general parameter value for the object (by right-clicking on the model icon in the Model Structure and opening the Properties dialog box) the local value will remain unchanged. On the contrary, if a parameter is locked, when you change the general parameter value for the object, the local setting will be updated accordingly.

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