Creating an Edge Fillet with Continuous Curvature

The Edge Fillet command enables you to create an edge fillet with continuous curvature. Continuous curvature option helps you to create a fillet that is continuous both in tangency and curvature.

Open the Edge_Fillet_Simple.e3 file available in the Samples folder of your think3 installation and follow the steps given below.

  1. Start the Edge Fillet command and select the Constant radius option in the Group 1 drop-down list from the selection list.

  2. You are prompted to select the edge to fillet; click on the edge shown below.

  3. Click the Group Options node to expand it and select the Continuous curvature check box from there. Enter 0.1 for Weight.

  4. Click or to confirm your selections and fillet the selected edge.

    As an example, the fillets using different weight values are shown in the images below.

    Weight=0.01 Weight=0.5 Weight=0.9

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