Insert SurfaceOffset


The Offset Surface command enables you to create the offset surfaces of a set of selected surfaces. You just need to select the surfaces, to choose the creation method (see below) and to specify the offset distance.

An offset surface is a surface with all points located at an equal distance from a selected reference surface. Thus, the offset surface passes through all the points that are at the same distance (the offset distance) from the reference surface along each principal normal drawn from each point on the reference surface. The resulting offset surface is of the same type as its reference surface.

The Mode drop-down list enables you to choose the offset creation method:

The Distance mini-dialog box enables you to specify the offset distance. When necessary, as soon as the reference surface is selected, the Max. distance mini-dialog box shows up, displaying the maximum offset distance you can use to create a surface with no self-intersections.

The Associative Mode check box enables you to control the link between the offset surfaces and the ones they derive from:
  • When the check box is selected, the offset surface will retain a link to the original surface, so that if the latter is modified, the former will change accordingly.
  • When the check box is cleared, the offset surface will retain no link to the original one.
For further details, see "Associative Surfaces (Skins)".

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