InsertSheet MetalHem

The Hem command enables you to create hems of various types on edges of a selected solid.

Depending on the option selected in the Type drop-down list, you can create the following types of hem.  

Simple A flange with a fixed angle of 180° having minimum possible value of the diameter and user defined Length (1).
Double A double flange with fixed angles of 180° having minimum possible value of the diameters and user defined Length (1).
Teardrop A flange with an angle greater than 180° having user defined Length (1) and Diameter (2).
Rolled A flange with a fixed angle of 270° having user defined Diameter (2).

Apart from the Length and Diameter of the hem, the following parameters can also be defined.

Extensions It controls the distances from the endpoints of the selected edge.
Side Angles 1 It defines the angles of the flange (Simple hem) or the first flange ( Double hem).
Side Angles 2 It defines the angles of the second flange (only for Double hem).

For a Rolled hem, only the Extensions can be defined.

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