Texture mapping

The Texture Mapping option is available in three commands:

Mapping types

Given below are the different types of mapping available in the Texture Mapping drop-down list. The following images show a car dash board model being texture mapped using different methods. Note that each mapping renders a different look to the model, though the textured image is the same.

Original Model

UV: assigns the parametric coordinate system for the mapping

Sphere: all points in space are mapped onto a sphere

Cylinder: all points in space are mapped onto a cylinder

Plane: all points in space are mapped onto a plane

The Automatic option lets the app choose the mapping mode it considers best among the sphere, plane and cylinder for the selected entities.

When mesh entities are involved in a texture mapping, UV method is not available. If UV mapping was selected before adding a mesh, the mapping type will switch in the Automatic mode.


The Same scale check box is available under the Texture Mapping node.

Advanced Options

The advanced options help the user to provide additional controls over the textured image.

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