
The Helix Curve command enables you to create a circular helix curve (see "Circular Helix" for details on the definition) providing you with a number of different construction modes.
You can specify the curve axis and a point or the axis and the value of the radius and choose the parameters to indicate, which can be the pitch and the height, the pitch and the number of revolutions or the height and the number of revolutions.
The radius and the pitch of the helix curve can be made variable according to a linear or quadratic law, while a start and an end angle with respect to the starting point of the curve can also be specified.

The result of the command is a single curve, that can be a high quality one, that is it can have internal G3 (Torsion) or G4 (Curvature plot curvature) continuity and higher degree, rather than an ordinary spline curve (internal G2 — curvature — continuity, degree = 3). The resulting curve can also be made associative (see "Associativity" for details).

After starting the command, you can proceed as follows.

Several options are available if you expand the More Options node.

Note that all the mini-dialog boxes displayed on checking the following boxes can be displayed/hidden by expanding/collapsing the corresponding nodes.

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