Grid Characteristics

The grid is an array of equally spaced nodes that are arranged in an orthographic manner. The grid acts as a mode of reference; when the grid is visible, every point specified using the mouse automatically snaps to the nearest grid node. The grid also provides a sense of scale of the model.

The Grid nodes are positioned at the intersection of Grid lines, which can be continuous or dotted as shown below.

Grid terminology

The display of the grid is turned ON or OFF by using the Static Grid and Grid Off commands. There are two types of Grids available in the think3 application:

Both these grids are generalized as Static Grid and can be displayed over the graphics area in all the environment — Model, 2D Profile and 3D Profile.

Standard Grid

The Standard Grid is a normal two-dimensional grid having the following characteristics:

Reference Grid

It is an upgraded form of the Standard Grid having many dynamic features. The Reference Grid is displayed as three perpendicular planes, which can be turned ON/OFF singularly. The Reference Grid in different view orientations is shown below.

Rotated view Orthographic orthogonal view

All the controls for the Reference Grid (including its enabling/disabling) are available in the Grid and its branch categories ( Reference & Advanced) of the Document Properties.

The 3D Reference Grid works differently in the Orthogonal Projection and Perspective Projection modes and for the orthogonal and rotated views. In the Perspective mode, the grid is shown only in the rotated views and the grid labels are never displayed. However, in the Orthographic mode the grid is visible in both the orthogonal and rotated views and in the orthogonal views, the labels are displayed. Note that the Standard and Reference grids cannot be viewed simultaneously. The main characteristics of the Reference Grid are:

Grid orientation
Grid visualization
Grid spacing
Grid labels
Grid snap
Work Plane alignment
As the Reference Grid is relative to the working area, each component has its own Reference Grid. When a component is set as current in an assembly, the static grid (Standard or Reference) associated to its working area becomes active.