Viewing Exploded assembly in the Exploded-View player

To accomplish the task, load the exploded_view.e3 file from the pump folder inside the samples folder of the installation.

  1. Click the Visual Bookmarks tab () from the left pane of Graphics Area.

  2. Right-click on Exploded 1 bookmark (created using Exploding assembly) and select View Exploded Assembly from the context menu. The exploded view of the assembly and the View Exploded Assembly selection list gets displayed, as shown in the image below.

    The number of steps taken place to explode the assembly is 3 and is displayed in the Current Step edit box.

  3. Enter 0 in the Current Step edit box and 1 in the Step(s) to Jump edit box.

  4. Select 25 from the Frames per step drop-down list and select 2 in the Delay factor drop-down list to attain smooth transition.

  5. Next, click Play button to view the explode sequence. You can do the following:
  6. Note:
    Select the Invert play direction check box to view the exploded assembly from the last step to the first step. Also, to display the transition of the assembly parts repeatedly select the Loop option.

  7. To capture the images of each step of the whole explode assembly sequence you need to click on the Create image(s) node and do the following:
    1. Select the Sequence option from the Mode: drop-down list to display the Start step and End step edit boxes.
    2. Make sure 0 is entered in the Start step and the last step value is entered in the End step edit box.
    3. You have multiple formats in the Image type: drop-down list to save the images. Select the Joint Photographics Experts Group (*.jpg) format from it.
    4. Next, the images to be captured will be saved in a default location mentioned in Path. If you need to change the default location, click on the default path and a file selection list box is displayed to select the location.
    5. Select 800 x 600 from the Image resolution drop-down list to define the resolution of the images
      and click Create Images () button to capture the images.

  8. Click to create video.

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