Select Siblings

Siblings are the entities created as a result of Multiple Resulting Events (MRE), such as the Associative application of isoparametric curves or boundary curves. As the name indicates siblings are entities having a common parent. In many situations you might need to select all the siblings created by the same command (i.e.; to select all the "children" entities produced as the result of a parent command).
In all of those situations you can take advantage of using the Siblings command ( ). Note that Siblings command is a selection method rather than a command and is available only when a command supporting siblings is active. To enable siblings selection for the commands that support it, right click on the graphic area and select Select Siblings.
The following illustration refers to the selection of curves for the Parting Plane command, using Siblings.

As soon as you start the command, the cursor changes to .
When you start Siblings, the selection of sibling entities (that is, generated by the same event) is enabled either by directly picking the faces or by using the Window, Lasso and All commands. When you move the cursor onto an entity using the Siblings command, if the entity is a sibling, it will be highlighted:

If you try to select an entity that is not a sibling, the entity will not be highlighted, the selection will not be permitted and a proper warning (along with the signal ) will be issued.
As soon as you click on the entity, all the siblings (that is, all the entities belonging to the same event) will be selected.

Also, if you make use of the Siblings selection as a selection method for the commands, that support it, the selection will be highlighted under a separate node in the Model Structure. This is illustrated in the following figure:

Further, if you right-click on the corresponding Siblings node in the Model Structure, and select Info Entity Relations, the Entity Relations Info dialog box for the siblings will be displayed as shown:

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