InsertMoldDesignMold BaseMeusburger

The Meusburger Mold Base command enables you to create the mold base according to the Muesberger catalog. The Muesberger wizard is customized with the terminologies and values related to the Muesberger catalog. The pictorial representation of the different parts of the assembly enables you to make the selection faster and easier.

On starting the command, the Mold Base-Muesberger wizard is displayed. The wizard contains five tabs named as Assembly Type, Basic Size, Plates, Guide Elements, and Fasteners as shown in the image below.

If you have not installed the catalog, the software prompts you to install it on starting the command.

In the Assembly Type tab, 10 Mold base assemblies are displayed pictorially. Select the required assembly by clicking on the image or by choosing it from the Mold Base Assembly drop-down list.

In the Basic Size tab, you can select the Mold Base series from the Series (W*L) drop-down list. When the series is selected, the values corresponding to the series are automatically updated in the other tabs for selection. Also you can select the Mold Base to be WidthWise or Lenghtwise from the Oversize drop-down list. The image of the mold base changes according to the selection.

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