Matching an initial curve and a target surface boundary3

This is the final result you will get when accomplishing this task:

Load file "GM_EX_03.e3" and start the Advanced GSM command. Now proceed as in previous examples "Matching an initial and a target curve, preserving another one" and "Matching two initial and two target curves, preserving another one".

The main difference is the target curve is a surface boundary, so that we can apply also tangency and curvature continuity constraints. So, while you still preserve the green boundary curve.

  1. So you have:

    The result you get is the following:

  2. Now, set the preserving conditions so that Position and Tangency will be preserved:

  3. If you now compare the results, you will see the difference is outstanding:
    PositionPosition + tangent

  4. Now, try to apply the Target position + target tangent conastraints to the matching boundaries:

    and compare the results:
    Target positionTarget position + target tangent

      Also in this case, the difference is outstanding.