Creating the Face-to-Face Fillet
The Face to Face Fillet command creates a constant
Radius fillet between two selected faces. In this example, there is an intermediate face between the two selected faces. The fillet is created by engulfing the intermediate face between the selected faces. Open the Face_to_face_fillet.e3 file available in the Samples folder of your think3 installation and follow the steps given below.
- Start the command and select the two faces for the First Face and
Second Face selectors between which the fillet is to be created. To reselect the faces, click on the corresponding selector in the selection list and select the face again.
- Enter 10 in the Radius mini dialog box.
- In the
More Options you can specify the smoothness of the fillet curve by selecting the
Continuous curvature check box and entering a value in the
Weight edit box. The
Weight value must lie in the range of 0.01-0.99.
- Click or to confirm your selections and apply the command. The fillet will be created by engulfing any intermediate face lying between the filleted faces.
Face to Face Fillet command fails in the following situations:
- When the radius is not sufficient for a tangent curve to be formed.
- When the fillet extends beyond the existing boundary edges.
- When the selected faces are parallel to each other and an intermediate face lies between them.
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An Overview of Fillets