Creating the Face-to-Face Fillet with Roll Over

The key functionality of Face to Face Fillet command is that it not only creates a fillet surface between the two selected faces, but also on other surfaces by rolling over all the faces which are tangent to the selected surfaces. Open the Face_to_face_roll.e3 file available in the Samples folder of your think3 installation and follow the steps given below.

In the case illustrated below, the solid has an intermediate protrusion between the cylindrical and the square protrusion. The top edge of the cylindrical protrusion is filleted over which the face-to-face fillet rolls over.

  1. Start the command and select the two faces for the First Face and Second Face selectors between which the fillet is to be created. To reselect the faces, click on the corresponding selector in the selection list and select the face again.

  2. Specify the radius value as 10 mm in the Radius mini dialog box or drag the corresponding handle to modify the radius value.

  3. Click or to confirm your selections and apply the command. The fillet faces get created by rolling over on all the adjacent tangent faces.

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