Creating fillet with capping

While creating fillets, there are cases when the fillet on a vertex is created under the following circumstances:

Various capping options are used to control the flow of the fillet over the vertex. Open the fillet-capping.e3 file from the Samples folder of your installation and follow the steps given below to understand the capping possibilities. Note that the fillet capping functionality is available for all the Fillet features ( Edge Fillet, Face Fillet and Solid Fillet) to manage the vertexes of the filleted edges.

  1. Select the edges as shown in the following figure and invoke the Edge Fillet command. In this case, six merging edges are to be filleted.

  2. Expand More Options to view the Use Capping drop-down list. This list has three options; depending upon the option selected in the list, different type of capping results will be obtained on executing the Fillet command.
When capping mode is enabled, it may happen that it is not possible to reach a good quality result with the GSM surface. In this case the Coons patch solution is produced.

The capping option selected will be saved in the fillet feature. However, by redefining the fillet feature it can be modified.

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