Creating a New Subdivision Solid

In order to create a Subdivision solid proceed as follows.

  1. Start the Convert to Subdivision Solid command.
  2. Select a mesh or a solid (Subdivision Solid/Mesh)

    Please take into account the conversion will be much more effective and accurate if the faces of the selected mesh/solid are as square as possible and contain as few holes as possible.

    A preview of the new Subdivision solid is displayed:

  3. By default, the Hide Selection check box is selected, so that the original solid will be hidden when you apply the command (uncheck it if you want the selected original solid to remain visible: in any case such solid will be kept in the model, whether visible or not, while the Subdivision solid will be created as a new entity, as you can verify by checking the model tree). Apply the command and the resulting Subdivision solid will be displayed, ready to be modified using the Modify Subdivision Solid command.


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