Insert Curve Conics Conic

The Conic Curve command enables you to create conic curves in one of the methods available in the Type drop-down list:

2 points and 2 tangents Enables you to create a conic arc defined by its endpoints, its chordal ratio, and the tangency conditions at its endpoints.
3 points and 2 tangents Enables you to create a conic arc defined by its endpoints, the tangency conditions at those endpoints, and through a third point.

The Associative Mode check box enables you to create curves which retain a link to the surfaces/curves they derive from.

When the check box is selected, the resulting curves will be associative. The new curve will retain a link to the entities it derives from. A specific node displaying both the original entities and the resulting associative curve will be added to the Model Structure.
When the check box is cleared, the resulting curves will not be associative.

The Restore Selection button ( ) — enabling you to use the last selections and settings again without having to repeat them all — can be available in the selection list. See " Restore Selection modality for selections and settings" for details.

In case the supplied geometric data are not consistent and the curve cannot be created, the Show Warnings button ( ) shows up on top of the selection list. If you click it, an appropriate warning explaining the issue will be displayed, while the button on top of the selection list changes to Hide Warnings ( ).

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