Tools Info Zebra


The Zebra command enables you to temporarily draw zebra lines on one or more surfaces in order to get a simplified representation of them and assess their shape. This type of surface analysis provides designers the ability to inspect a model surface for face to face continuity. If zebra lines "look good" the shape of the surfaces can be considered acceptable (that is "smooth enough"), otherwise you may want to change them.
In fact, a simple way to visualize smoothness is to use standard lighting and shading. Zebra lines can be used to:

You can proceed as follows.

Reflection Zebra lines are displayed as the reflection lines of a black and white striped spherical texture surrounding the model and projected onto the selected surfaces. The sphere is fixed in the space and does not move when you rotate your model, so as to help you easily assess your shapes. In the Orientation drop-down list you can choose whether stripes (and thus zebra lines) must be Horizontal or Vertical.

You can control the visualization of both types of zebra lines by setting the following parameters:

Please take into account that the quality of previews is also affected by the Tessellation parameters: option (in the Graphics- Advanced category of the System Options).

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