Creating an extended pipe surface

In this task you will use the Pipe Surface command to create a pipe surface which extends beyond the length of the drive curve.
Please note that you can accomplish this task by creating a semicircle to be used as the drive curve.

1 Start the Pipe Surface command.
2 Select the drive curve.

3 In the Extend/Restrict drop-down list, choose the type of extension you want to perform.
None When this option is selected, no extension/restriction is applied. The length of the pipe is the same as the one of the drive curve.

Extend parameter When this option is selected, the Start Point and End Point handle/mini-dialog box pairs are displayed. You can drag the handles or specify new parameter values so as to extend/restrict the resulting surface along the drive curve.

Extend tangency When this option is selected, the Start Point and End Point handle/mini-dialog box pairs are displayed. You can drag the handles or specify new parameter values so as to extend/restrict the resulting surface along the tangents in the drive curve end points while maintaining tangency continuity.

4 Click or to confirm your selections and create the surface (the following image shows the results in the three cases).

Click to discard your changes.