Create a linear slot using Blind double depth

The Linear Slot command creates a linear slot in an existing solid by sweeping a profile or chain of curves along a linear path to a specific depth. The slot is created in both the directions of the selected profile.

  1. On starting the command, you are prompted to select a profile. Select the profile or the chain of curves you want to sweep. To reselect the profile, click on Profile in the selection list and select the profile again.

  2. In the Extension drop-down list, select the Blind double depth option.

  3. The direction in which the profile is swept is selected automatically. You can also change the direction by clicking on Face in the selection list, and then selecting a different face.

  4. Now you can specify the value of depth in the Depth 1 and Depth 2 mini-dialog boxes or click and drag the handle to set the required depth. The depth direction can be inverted by double-clicking on the arrow handle as shown in the image below.

  5. Click or to confirm your selections and create the protrusion. Click to discard your changes.

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