Unbending a solid

To accomplish the following task, open file "ToBeUnbent.e3".
1 Start the Unbend command and select the top face as the one to keep fixed.

To change the selected face, right-click on Fixed Face/Edge, choose Reset in the context menu and select another face.

2 In the Type drop-down list, select the Global option (if not already selected) to unbend all the bends existing in the solid.
Select Local to unbend only one face.

3 If you selected Local, select the bend(s) to be unbent:

To change the selected bend, sharp edge or fillet, right-click on Type, choose Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

4 Click or to confirm your selections and unbend the solid.
  • If you selected the Global option you will get:

  • If you selected the Local option, you will get:

Click to discard your changes.