Filtering the data in the Bend Table Manager

The following illustration explains the procedure to use the Filter option for viewing specific bend table data in the Bend Table Manager:

1. Start the Bend Table Manager command from the Tools menu; the Bend Table Manager dialog box is displayed.

2. Choose the Filter button at the bottom right corner of the Bend Table Manager dialog box; the filter settings area is displayed.

3. To view the bend table data only for a specific material, select it from the Material drop-down list.

4. Specify the minimum and maximum values for Thickness, Angle and Radius to view the bend table data lying within a specified range.

5. Choose the Apply button. The Bend Table Manager now displays only those data that adhere to the filter settings.

6. To cancel the filter settings, choose the Clear button.

7. Choose the Filter button again the close the filter settings area.

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