The applied Light studio can be edited using the Lighting command. The following are the main types of light available for selection while editing a light studio.
Ambient | A light source that illuminates all surfaces equally regardless of orientation. |
Area | A light source emitting light from an area. |
Distant | A light source emitting light parallel to a given direction vector as if from a distant source. |
Eye | A light source emitting light from the view position. |
Point | A light source emitting light from a point equally in all directions. |
Spot | A light source emitting light from a single point and constrained to a cone. |
Goniometric | Light source with intensity distribution specified in an industry standard fashion. For use with both radiosity and shaded rendering. |
Projector | Light source which projects a focused image, rather than plain light. |
Sky | A light source to account for the illumination from the sky |
Sun | A light source emitting light from the sun (a very distant source). |
Area Sky | A light source emitting light from the sky as viewed from one or more source. |
Area Goniometric | A light source emitting light from an area goniometric source. This is done by combining the effects of the specified area and goniometric lights. |
Environment | The light source is fixed depending upon the mapped environment. |
Line Goniometric | The light source emitting light from a line or set of lines from a distant space. |
Portal | A parallel light emitted from a distance source. |
Simple Sky | A light source emitted from hemisphere at a distance representing the sky. |
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