The Texture Color is the main visual property used in the application. You can select the different texture from the drop down list. The texture options give a more realistic effect on the object when rendered.
Plain | A plain appearance with option of selecting colors. |
Blue Marble | A solid texture giving a blue marble appearance. |
Chrome | A color source providing simple chrome-like appearance. |
Cubes | A solid texture corresponding to a three-dimensional lattice of cubes with alternating colors. |
Marble | A solid texture giving a veined marble appearance. |
Simple Wood | A simple wood pattern with concentric rings of light and dark wood. |
Solid Clouds | A solid texture giving a cloudy appearance. |
Solid Polka | A solid texture giving a polka-dot pattern. |
Turbulent | Gives an appearance of smoke and fog. |
Wood | An improved wood pattern with concentric rings of light and dark Wood with grains. |
Wrapped Brick | A wrapped texture giving a simple brick pattern. |
Wrapped Checker | A wrapped texture giving a checker board pattern. |
Wrapped Diagonal | A pattern giving a line across the leading diagonal of the texture space. |
Wrapped Grid | A wrapped texture of grid pattern. |
Wrapped Filtered Image | A wrapped texture that provides image mapping, with additional color filtering. |
Wrapped Wood Floor | A pattern consisting of wooden planks mapped according to actual u and v coordinates. |
Wrapped Birch Floor | A wrapped texture giving a brich wood pattern. |
Wrapped Image | A wrapped texture to provide image color mapping. |
Wrapped Polka | A wrapped texture giving a polka-dot pattern. |
Wrapped S Stripe | A pattern giving stripes along the s-axis of the texture space. |
Wrapped T Stripe | A pattern giving stripes along the t-axis of the texture space. |
Wrapped Textured Brick | A wrapped texture to textured brick pattern. |
Oak | A wood texture giving a oak like appearance. |
Cherry | A wood texture giving a cherry like appearance. |
Maple | A wood texture giving a maple like appearance. |
Pine | A wood texture giving a pine like appearance. |
Wrapped Oak Floor | A wrapped texture giving a oak wood pattern. |
Wrapped Cherry Floor | A wrapped texture giving a cherry pattern. |
Wrapped Pine Floor | A wrapped texture giving a pine wood pattern. |
Wrapped Maple Floor | A wrapped texture giving a maple wood pattern. |
Birch | A wood texture giving a brich like appearance. |
Wrapped Brick Bonds | An extended wrapped brick pattern, with predefined standard bond patterns. |
Granite | A solid texture giving a granite like pattern. |
Wrapped Roof Tiles | Wrapped color simulating various styles of roof tile. |
Wrapped Paint Splat | This is similar to paint dots on a plastic surface. |
Wrapped Brick Formation | A pattern which appears like real bricks in both color and texture variation. |
Wrapped Random Image | Returns color calculated by one of its color parameters and is supposed to be used as random image generator when used with other options. |