
Turbulent medium density, like smoke, fog. It is used with Scattering Medium option. This option simulates turbulent medium variations (smoke, patchy fog).

Scale Overall scale of the effect. Increase scale to get slowly changing.
Color Color of the effect.
Detail Integer value in range between 1 and 25 defining how much detail is present in the turbulence. Higher values will cause more local variations. Increasing this value (from default 2) may produce interesting effects, but will have definitely significant impact on computation time.
Amplitude Amplitude of turbulence relative to global Medium Density in range [0.0, 1.0]
Contrast Relative measure (range [0.0, 1.0]) of contrast of transitions between dense and rare areas. The default value of 0.5 is neutral. Increasing contrast will result in more sharp transitions with almost solid appearance of dense areas at the value of 1.0, decreasing the contrast will smooth the transitions. Sharp contrast will usually result in increased computation costs.

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