Trunk Direction | It determines the direction of the trunk axis. |
Scale | This parameter determines the radius difference of two adjacent rings. 0.01 means that there is 100 rings per unit along the trunk radius. |
Ring Color | It's the color of the ring area. |
Wood Color | It's the color of the wood outside of rings. |
Ring Width | It determines the relative ring width. 0.0 means no ring at all, 1.0 means that all the trunk area is covered by the ring color. |
Ring Fuzz In | It determines the sharpness of the ring edges that are closer to the trunk center. The value of this parameter determines what fraction of the single wood/ring section along the trunk radius is occupied by the inner fuzz area. |
Ring Fuzz Out | It determines the sharpness of the outer ring edge. The value of this parameter determines what fraction of the single wood/ring section along the trunk radius is occupied by the outer fuzz area.
Observe that Ring Width determines the distance between centers of fuzz areas. In result changing fuzz parameters while Ring Width remains constant causes that average pattern color (e.g. when looking at the pattern from the long distance) is also constant. Use this script to render the images describing Ring Width and Fuzz control. |
Gnarl | This parameter determines the random perturbation of the regular rings inside the trunk. The higher value of the parameter is, the more gnarly the rings pattern. |
Grain | This parameter determines the intensity of random grain effect. 0.0 means no grain at all. The higher the value of the parameter is, the more distinct grains are. |
Grain Color | It defines the color of random Grain |
Ring Fuzz Grain | It determines the intensity of high frequency random perturbation of the ring edges. |
Grain Scale | It determines the size of the grain in relation to rings size. 1.0 determines the grain size comparable to the distance between two adjacent rings. This parameter controls both random Grain and Ring Fuzz Grain. |