Splitting a curve

1 After starting the Split Curve command, select the method you want to use in the Mode drop-down list:
Points to split one or more curves at the points you indicate.
Boundaries to split one or more curves at their intersections with other selected curves or surfaces.
Arc joints to split a curve at its arc joints.

Points: splitting at indicated points

2 Click on all the curves you want to split (or use an appropriate selection operator) and end selection by right-clicking and selecting Continue in the context menu.

To change the selected curves, right-click on Curves, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 Select all the points where you want to split each curve by clicking on them or using a snap operator.

To change the selected points, right-click on Points, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

4 Click or to confirm your selections and split the curve.
Click to discard your changes.

Boundaries: splitting at the intersections with other curves or surfaces

Curves can be split at their intersections with other curves and surfaces.

At the intersections with curves
2 Click on all the curves you want to split (or use an appropriate selection operator)) and end selection by right-clicking and selecting Continue in the context menu.

To change the selected curves, right-click on Curves, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 Click on all the intersecting curves (or use an appropriate selection operator) and end selection by right-clicking and selecting Continue in the context menu.

To change the selected intersecting curves, right-click on Boundaries, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

Splitting at virtual intersections
Please note that using the Extend curves option you can decide whether to split the curves also at its virtual intersections or only at is actual intersections with the boundaries.

4 Click or to confirm your selections and split the curve.
Click to discard your changes.
At the intersections with surfaces
2 Click on all the curves you want to split (or use an appropriate selection operator)) and end selection by right-clicking and selecting Continue in the context menu.

To change the selected curves, right-click on Curves, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 Click on the intersecting surfaces (planes, ruled surfaces or NURBS) and end selection by right-clicking and selecting Continue in the context menu.

To change the selected intersecting surfaces, right-click on Boundaries, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

4 Click or to confirm your selections and split the curve.
Click to discard your changes.

Arc joints: splitting a NURBS at the arc joints (the points where two consecutive arcs meet)

2 Select the curve you want to split.

This method applies only to NURBS. Selection of other types of curves is not enabled.

To change the selected curve, right-click on Curve, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 All the arc joints are marked with a cross. Click on the ones where you want to split the curve.

To change the selected arc joints, right-click on Arc joints, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

4 Click or to confirm your selections and split the curve.
Click to discard your changes.