Advanced Options of the GSM Spined Twist Command
On selecting the Advanced Options node under More Options of GSM Spined Twist selection list, the Advanced Options dialog box is displayed.
It contains the following options:
- Spine subdivision: The options in this area control the subdivision of the spine curve to generate the section planes over it.
- No. of sections: In this edit box, enter the number of sections that should be generated over the spine curve. The number of section planes created will be one more than the number of sections.
- Mode: Use the drop-down list to specify whether to create the subdivisions on the spine curve in the parametrical space or in the curvilinear space.
- Update Now: On selecting this button, all the section previews generated over the model will get updated as per the latest settings made in the Advanced Options dialog box.
- Section data: The options in this area control the parameters of the section planes generated over the spine curve. The settings made here will be applied to all the section planes unless the Section Options are explicitly mentioned at the section.
- Show preview: Select this check box to display the preview of the section planes on the spine curve. The section planes are displayed as two concentric circles.
- Min. radius: Specifies the minimum radius for the section plane preview. It can range from 0 to the Max. radius value.
- Max. radius: Specifies the maximum radius for the section plane preview. It acts as a limiting value; you cannot increase the radius beyond this value even when explicitly editing a section plane.
- Limited to curvature: On selecting this check box, the curvature of the section plane is automatically adjusted to eliminate any self intersecting section planes. Self intersection generated due to a curved spined curve is not managed by this option.
- Angle length: Specify the length of the Angle handle displayed over the model.
- Default: Resets all parameters in the Advanced Options dialog box to their default values.
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