Projecting a curve onto a surface along the view direction

1 Open the file "AlongViewDirection.e3".

Please note that the "LOGO" text has been exploded into its component curves using the Break command. The following illustration shows the position of the curves relative to the surface.

Now, let's suppose the view direction is the one of the first illustration and let's go on with the step-by-step example.

2 Start the Project Curve command. First, select the curves to be projected.

End selection by right-clicking and choosing Continue in the context menu. To change the selected curves, right-click on Curves, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 In the Method drop-down list, select View direction.

4 In the On drop-down list, select Surface.

5 Select the surface onto which the selected curve is to be projected.

A preview is immediately displayed.

To change the selected surface, right-click on Surface, choose Reset in the context menu and select another surface.

6 Click or to confirm your selections and create the curves.

Click to discard your selections.