Setting and Modifying the Line Type

The drop-down list button enables you to:

Using the button inside commands
While mode 2 (changing the Line Type of selected entities) can be used only when no command is active, mode 1 (setting the current Line Type) is available also inside commands, which can be very useful. Suppose, for example, you have started the Parallel Line command: once you have selected the reference line, you can change the current Line Type so that it will be applied to the resulting parallel line, which will be drawn using the new Line Type you chose.

Setting the current Line Type

The current Line Type is the type of line used to draw entities. For example, if the current Line Type is dotted, all entities you create will be displayed as dotted. You can obviously change the current Line Type. When you do it, all entities created after you changed it will be created with the new Line Type (while the ones created before you changed it will not be affected by the change).

To change the current Line Type, proceed as follows.

1 Right-click on the scrolling arrow to display the set of available Line Types.

2 Two alternative methods are available.
In the drop-down list, select the Line Type to be set as the current one.
Select an entity in the document. The Line Type of the selected entity will be set as the current one.

The Line Type you chose is now the current one: all entities subsequently created will be drawn using this Line Type.

Note that the current Line Type can also be modified using the Line Type or Options/Properties commands.

Modifying the Line Type of selected entities

To modify the Line Type of existing entities, proceed as follows.

1 Select the entities you want to change the Line Type of.

Note that if the selected entities have different Line Types, the Line Type drop-down list button will display no Line Type value.
2 In the Line Type drop-down list, select the Line Type to be applied.

The Line Type of all the selected entities will be changed.

Please note that the Line Type attribute of an entity can also be changed using the Edit Properties and the Assign Properties commands.

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