Creating a lofted surface starting from four boundaries (Stretched)

Once you have started the Lofted Surface command, you can proceed as follows (please note that you can follow this step-by-step example by loading file: "lofted_stretched.e3").


1 To obtain an associative surface, that is an open solid — a Skin —  retaining a link to its base curves, so that if you modify such curves the surface will be modified accordingly, check the Associative Mode box. See " Associative Surfaces (Skins)" for details.

2 In the Select As drop-down list, select the Cycle option.

3 Select the four surface boundaries like in the following illustration. As soon as the boundaries are selected, the Continuity mini-dialog boxes are displayed:

To change the selected boundaries (for example if you selected the wrong ones by mistake), right-click and select Reset Current Selection. Then perform selection again.
Please note that if you select More Options, the Type drop-down list is set to Default, which is the default value. With the previous selection, the current surface type automatically determined is Stretched.

4 In the Continuity mini-dialog boxes, select the degree of continuity which matches your needs ( Position or Tangent — see "Continuity Types" for details on continuity types.)

5 Click or to confirm your selections and create the surface.

Click to discard your changes.