Opening a VDA-FS file

To convert from the VDA-FS format to think3, do the following:

  1. Start the Open or Insert from File command.
  2. In the file selection box, under Files of type, select VDA (*.vda).
  3. Select the file you want to open.
  4. Select the Options button to open the VDA Options dialog box and set the parameters controlling the conversion process as you like.
  5. Select the Open button to open the file (no preview is available for VDA files: the file icon will be displayed in the preview frame).

When you open a VDA-FS file, a log file of the conversion is created in the same directory of the file you opened.

At the time of importing a VDA model, you can perform a quality check on the model to know of any prevailing issues by selecting the Check Model Quality after loading check box in the System Options - General category.