Analyze sections derived on the basis of a specified cutting plane

1  When you start the command, the program displays the Section analysis dialog box. Choose Select surfaces.
2  The program displays the Plane Definition dialog box. Specify the cutting plane by clicking on the appropriate button.
You can specify the cutting plane:
  • as normal to one of the coordinate axes or to a line
  • as an existing plane
  • by specifying the coefficients of the Cartesian equation
  • by indicating three through points
If the plane is normal to an axis, you must also indicate a through point.

3 Select the surfaces whose sections you want to analyze, and then end selection.

4 The program displays the Volume dialog box:


    determines the units of measurements for the results
Distance between sections
    determines the distance from one section to the next
5 Choose the type of interpolation to be used:

Cubic spline interpolation

    Select this option when the surface is very regular and the cutting planes are not "closely packed".
Linear interpolation
    Use this option when the surfaces are very irregular.
The program displays the results in the Analysis results dialog box.