Creating a Revolved Surface

Once the Rotational Surface command has been selected, proceed as follows.
1 Select the curves to be revolved and end selection by right-clicking and selecting Continue.

To change the selected curves, right-click on Curves in the selection list, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

2 Under Axis, select the method to be used to define the axis of revolution:
X through point
Y through point
Z through point
To define the axis of revolution as parallel to the corresponding axis and through a point. Specify the point.
Line To define the axis of revolution as the one defined by a line. Select the line.
2 Points To define the axis of revolution as the one defined by two points. Select the two points.

As soon as the axis of revolution is selected, a preview is displayed:

3 In the Angle box, type the value of the desired angle of rotation, or drag the corresponding anchor.

To rotate the selected curves in both directions, double-click on the green anchor:

4 Click or to confirm your selections and create the surfaces.

Click to discard your changes.

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