Creating a Plane Through an Axis and a Point

Creating a plane through an axis and a point can be useful in a number of situations. For example, you might need to create a particular section of a solid based on an axis and a point of a feature. You can obtain the section by creating the plane and then by cutting the solid along the plane using the Cut Solid command.

Once you started the Plane command, proceed as follows:
1 In the Reference Plane drop-down list select Through axis & point

2 In the Axis drop-down list, select the Line option. Select the axis.

Select the point the resulting plane must be through, making sure it doesn't lie on the selected axis, in which case you'd get a message.

To change the selected entities (axis and/or point), right-click on the corrwsponding items (Axis, Point in the selection list, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 In the More conditions drop-down list, select None (if it isn't already selected).

4 In the Extension drop-down list, select Object. To adjust the plane size to the one of the solid, select the solid:

The following preview of the plane is displayed:

To change the selected solid, right-click on Solid in the selection list, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.
The arrow indicates the plane normal. If necessary, reverse its direction by double-clicking on it.

5 Click or to confirm your selections and create the plane.

Click to discard your changes.

With a plane surface created with this method, cutting the solid with the Cut Solid command to get the desired section is very easy:

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