Creating a Plane on a face of a solid

Creating a plane on a face of a solid can be useful in a number of situations. For example, if you need to cut a solid along a surface using the Cut Solid command, it can be very helpful to create a plane on an existing face giving it the desired sizes.

Once you started the Plane command, proceed as follows:
1 In the Reference Plane drop-down list select On Face

2 Select the face of a solid.

To change the selected face, right-click on Face in the selection list, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 In the More conditions drop-down list, select None (if it isn't already selected).

4 In the Extension drop-down list, select Object. To adjust the plane size to the one of the solid, select the solid:

The following preview of the plane is displayed:

To change the selected solid, right-click on Solid in the selection list, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.
The arrow indicates the plane normal. If necessary, reverse its direction by double-clicking on it:

5 Click or to confirm your selections and create the plane.

Click to discard your changes.

With a plane surface created with this method, cutting the solid with the Cut Solid command is very easy:

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