Untrimming a surface

After starting the Untrim Surface command, proceed as follows.

1 In the Mode drop-down list, select the method to be used:
  • Global
    to reconstruct the surface along all the boundaries where it was trimmed and to eliminate all the islands that were entered.
  • Local
    to reconstruct only some selected islands. If you select a trimmed boundary, instead, all of the selected boundaries will be reconstructed.

Global Untrimming
2 Select the surface to be untrimmed.

To change the selected surface, right-click on Surfaces, choose Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 Click or to confirm your selections and untrim the surface.

Click to discard your changes.

Local Untrimming

Removing an island
2 Select the boundary of the island you want to remove.

To change the selected island, right-click on Boundary, choose Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 Click or to confirm your selections and untrim the surface.

Click to discard your changes.

Untrimming borders, leaving islands
2 Select the trimmed boundary.

3 Click or to confirm your selections and untrim the surface.

Click to discard your changes.