Extending the Resulting Surface with the Lofted Surface Command

Specific options for extending the resulting surfaces are available under the More Options node of the Lofted Surface command, when the Type is set to Grid. Some mini-dialog boxes will be available once these options are applicable (displayed when the More Options node is expanded). They remain active but not visible when the More Options node is collapsed.
The Extend check box is displayed so as to allow the extension of the surface in the perpendicular direction to the boundary set.

When the extension is required simultaneously in both parametric directions, the Extension Mode drop-down list shows up in the selection list.

Geometric The extension will be computed based on the current geometry:

Parametric The extension will be computed by extending the parameters of the curves and by minimizing the distance between the same curves.

Please take into account the following points:
  • The capability of extending the surface is available only when the continuity constraint on the edge is positional (G0).

  • When the continuity constraint is tangency, the surface cannot be extended, that is, the Extend check box does not show up.

  • Extension is not possible on closed curves, and so the Extend check box does not show up.