Creating a Local Boolean Union

The Solid Union command enables you to join two solids and limiting the resulting solids to some bounding surfaces. For example, you can create a bead rib starting from the two solids in the following illustration.

You can accomplish this task by loading the "LocalUnion.e3" file available in the Samples folder of your think3 installation and following the steps given below.

  1. Invoke the Solid Union command and select Local in the Boolean drop-down list.

  2. Select the first solid.

  3. Select the second solid.

    To change the selected solids right-click on Solids, select Reset from the context menu and perform the selection again.

  4. Now select the bounding face for the Faces selector.

    Please note that, unless you clear the Chain check box, all adjacent tangent faces in a chain are automatically selected.

    To change the selected faces, right-click on Faces, select Reset from the context menu and perform the selection again.

  5. Select the Preview () button to see the preview of the result. In big models this may take some time.

  6. Click or to confirm your selections and create the union.

    Click to discard your changes.
If you need to retain the original solids after performing the Boolean, select the Keep Original Solids check box before applying the command.